Happy New Year! Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday February 2 after Worship.
Community Events are posted on our Events Calendar. Please join us!
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Spiritual Care
We take care of each other in our First Church Family, and there can also be times when additional care is needed. In times of illness or hardship, anyone can request Spiritual Care from our Pastor or our Deacons for connection and support. Our Pastor can also support Baptisms, Marriages, Spiritual Counseling, Care of the Sick, Funerals and families grieving the death of a loved one.
If you need help connecting with organizations for financial, emotional or peer support, see our First Church Support and Resources document.
Stay Informed
Keep in touch with us about upcoming opportunities for worship, fellowship, meals, and events. Sign up for First Church weekly email communications here! You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of your emails.

Monthly Newsletter Archive
The Messenger is the monthly Newsletter of the First Church in Belfast, UCC. It contains articles from the Pastor to the Congregation, Announcements and Reports from the many groups within the Church, including Church Council, and a sense of what is happening within and among the people of First Church.
Your support makes a difference in our ability to render loving service toward humankind as we strive for righteousness, justice and peace.