Bridge Group
First Church in Belfast 8 Court Street, Belfast, ME, United StatesThis Group meets in the First Church Parlor to gather together and play the card game Bridge weekly on Friday afternoons from 12-4pm.
This Group meets in the First Church Parlor to gather together and play the card game Bridge weekly on Friday afternoons from 12-4pm.
The First Congregational Church in Searsport is hosting an Interfaith Lenten Study on Wednesdays at 1 p.m., through March 20, with a brown bag lunch. The topic will be “Everyday Spiritual Practices: Living Our Faith in the World.”
You don’t have to be Scottish, wear a kilt, or even speak English to enjoy Scottish dancing! There are branches of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society the world over, from Boston to Bombay, with classes, parties and balls open to all. Dance to the lively beat of jigs, reels and hornpipes, and to the […]
The Feel Better Class: Connect. Move. Relax. Each class starts with 15 minutes of group wellness coaching, followed by movement (aka exercise), breathwork, and stretching. In addition to exercising, you will learn a variety of ways to calm your nervous system (aka relax), so you leave class feeling better both physically and mentally. Drop-ins are […]
A Holy Week service commemorating the Last Supper. A Communion Service and a simple meal of soup and bread provided.
This Group meets in the First Church Parlor to gather together and play the card game Bridge weekly on Friday afternoons from 12-4pm.
A shared service at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Belfast, remembering the crucifixion.
The Chancel Choir meets to rehearse on Sundays at 8:30am prior to the Worship Service at 10am. The Chancel Choir is open to new and seasoned singers alike, and also […]
Easter Brunch Free Community Meal to follow the 10am Easter Worship Service.
The Children's Choir meets to rehearse on Sundays at 11:30am after the 10am Worship Service. The Choir is open to new and seasoned singers alike, and also to instrumental collaborations. […]